Saturday, July 14, 2012

LESSON 6: IT Enters A New Learning Environment

Effective teachers best interact with students in innovative learning activities, while integrating technology to the teaching-learning process.

In Meaningful learning

Students already have some knowledge that is relevant to new learning
Students are willing to perform class work to find connections between what they already know and what they can learn.

In Discovery learning

     Ideas are presented directly to students in a well-organized way, such as through a detailed set of instructions to complete an experiment or task. In applying technology, the computer can preset a tutorial process by which the learner is presented key concepts and the rules of learning in a direct manner for receptive learning.

In Generative Learning

     Active learners who attend to learning events and generate meaning from this experience and draw inferences thereby creating a personal model or explanation to the new experience in the context of existing knowledge.Motivation and responsibility are seen to be crucial to this domain of learning.

In Constructivism

     The learner builders a personal understanding through appropriate learning activities and a good learning environment.

Learners: are active, purposeful learners. Set personal goals and strategies to achieve these goals. Make their learning experience meaningful and relevant to their lives. Seek to build an understanding of their personal worlds so they can work/live productively. Build on what they already know in order to interpret and respond to new experiences.

Sample Quiz made by

Friday, July 13, 2012

LESSON 5: State-of-the-Art ET Application Practices

Looking through progressive state policies that support technology-in-education, and other new developments in pedagogical practice, our educators today have become more aware and active in adopting state-of-the-art educational technology practices they can possibly adopt.

The following trends should also be recognized by educators:

*    Through school or training center computer courses, present-day students have become computer literate. They send e-mail, prepare computer encoded class reports, even make power-point presentation sometimes to the surprise of their media tradition-bound teachers.

*  Following the call for developing critical thinking among students, teachers have deemphasized rote learning and have spent more time in methods to allow students to comprehend/internalize lessons.

* Shifting focus from lower-level traditional learning outcomes, student assessment/examinations have included measurement of higher level learning outcomes such as creative and critical thinking skills.

* Recent teaching-learning models (such as constructivism and social constructivism) have paved the way for instructional approaches in which students rely less on teachers as information-givers, and instead more on their efforts to acquire information, build their own knowledge, and solve problems.

Virtue is in moderation and so, there is truly a need for teachers to balance their time to the preparation and application of instructional tools. Through wise technical advice, schools can also acquire the most appropriate computer hardware and software. At the same time, training should ensure that the use of ET is fitted to learning objectives. In addition, teachers should acquire computer skills for so that they can serve as models in integrating educational technology in the teaching-learning process.

Figure 1 - Systematic Instructional Planning Process

Following modern trends in technology-related education, schools should now foster a student-centered learning environment, wherein students are given leeway to use computer information sources in their assignments, reports and presentation in written, visual, or dramatic forms.

LESSON 4: Integrating Technology in teaching means the use of technologies to Introduce Reinforce Supplement and Extend Sills.

There is No Integrative Process–if for example teachers make the students play a computer games to give them a rest period during classes.

External Manifestation of Technology

*    There’s a change in the way classes are traditionally conducted.
*     The quality of instruction is improved to a higher level in such way that could not have been    achieved without educational technology.
*     There is planning by the teacher on the process of determining how and when technology fits into the teaching learning process
*    The teacher sets instructional strategies to address specific instructional issues/problems.
*    The use of technology provides the opening to opportunities to respond to these instructional issues/problems.
*     In sum, technology occupies a position (is a simple or complex way) in the instructional process.

The teacher must adopt this technology and we must be informed about the proper ways of integrating technology because others have wrong understanding in applying technology in the teaching instructions. It doesn’t mean that once you used technology in teaching, it’s already the right integration of technology. We must also remember that there are still some consequences in using this.

Many College Students are presently required to take Computer Science courses including word processing (Microsoft Office), Spreadsheet preparation (Excel), Presentation techniques(Powerpoint), etc. How do you think this will help application of skills needed in Educational Technology 2?

The students must have computer subjects because it widens the knowledge of a student to a particular thing. Microsoft office tools and others had a great help for us as a future teacher, we may use this course to have an entertaining and attractive discussion in our class. Well as we all know that we are facing now the modern innovation of education in the world, computers transmit information faster than the traditional way, that's why computers and their courses are very important for the advancement  and development of a person knowledge and skill.

LESSON 3: Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region

To provide confidence to educators that they are taking the right steps in adopting technology in education, it is good to know that during the last few years, progressive countries in the Asia Pacific region have formulated state policies and strategies to infuse technology in schools.

Progressive States/City Programs:

New Zealand 2001 ICT Goals and Strategy
Australia IT Initiatives
Malaysia Smart School-level Technology Project
Singapore Masterplan for IT in Education
Hong Kong Education Program Highlights

ET in the Asia Pacific Region 

Progressive countries in the Asia Pacific Region have formulated state policies and strategies to infuse technology in schools to provide confidence to educators that they are taking the right steps in adopting technology in education. Five progressive states/city imposing ICT policies and strategies in schools, namely New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. 

ET in the New Zealand Goal

 Government with the education and technology sectors, community groups, and industry envisions supporting to the development of the capability of schools to use information and communication technologies in teaching-and-learning and in administration. 

Strategy • Improving learning outcomes for students using ICT to support curriculum • Using ICT to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of educational administration • Developing partnerships with communities to enhance access to learning through ICT

Focus areas • Infrastructure for increasing schools' access to ICTs to enhance education • Professional development so that school managers and teachers can increase their capacity to use ICT

 Initiatives • An on-line resource center with centrally managed website for the delivery of multi- • A computer recycling scheme • A planning and implementation guide for schools • media resources to schools • ICT professional development school/clusters

 ET in the Australia Planning, funding and implementation strategies:

 Fast local and wide area networks linking schools across the state and territory • Substantial number of computers in schools, ensuring adequate access • Continuing teacher training in the use of technology for instruction • Technical support to each school • Sufficient hardware and software • Digital library resources • Technology demonstrations as models for schools 

ET in the Malaysia Teaching-and-Learning includes: 

Classroom with multi-media, presentation facilities, e-mail and groupware for collaborative work • Library media center with database for multimedia courseware and network access to the internet • Computer laboratory for teaching, readily accessible multimedia and audiovisual equipment • Multimedia development center • Studio / theatre with control room • Teachers' room with on-lie access to courseware catalogues and databases, information and resource management systems and professional networking tools, such as e-mail and groupware • Server room • Administration offices capable of accessing the network 

ET in the Singapore Curriculum and assessment

 A balance between acquisition of factual knowledge and mastery concepts and skills • Students in more active and independent learning • Assessment to measure abilities in applying information and communicating

 ET in the Singapore Learning resources

• Development of a wide range of educational software for instruction • Use relevant internet resources for teaching- and-learning • Convenient and timely procurement of software materials 

Teacher development• Training on purposeful use of IT for teaching • Equipping each trainee teacher with core skills in teaching with IT • Tie-ups with institutions for higher learning and industry partners 

Physical and technological infrastructure •Pupil computer ratio 2:1 • Access to IT in all learning areas in the school • School wide network and school linkages through wide area network (WAN), eventually connected to Singapore ONE

 ET in the Hong Kong IT initiatives 

 40 computers for each primary schools and 82 computers for each secondary schools • About 85,000 IT training places for teachers at four levels • Technical support for all schools • Information Education Resource Center • IT coordinator for each of 250 schools • Computer rooms for the use of students after normal school hours • An IT Pilot Scheme • Review of school curriculum to incorporate IT elements • Development of appropriate software in collaboration with government, the private sector, tertiary institutions and schools • Exploring feasibility of setting up an education- specific Intranet.

If only our country can only have a program at least at a minimal program like just having a simple plan and goal for the next 2-3 years from now, we could see that there is a changes by doing that. There will be only slight development of our country's improvement if we are not doing any actions like having a program.

Monday, July 9, 2012

LESSON 2: An Overview: Educational Technology 2

In essence, the the course aims to infuse technology in the student-teachers training, helping them to adapt and meet rapid and continuing technological changes particularly in thriving global information and communication technology environment.

The aim of the Educational Technology 2 is Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning, and its focusing on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of educational technology. And it is already been adapting to many schools and to our country. We need this course in to be more competent teachers and not behind to the modern technology that we are at our age.

Educational Technology 2 is the application and adaptation of what we know from educational technology 1, since Ed Tech 1 is orienting the learners about the technology it is the time to apply the knowledge to the next level.

LESSON 1 :  A Review of Educational Technology 1

The Educational Technology 1 (ET-1) course has truly paved the way for the learner to become aware, appreciative and and equipped to use educational technology tools ranging from traditional to modern educational media.

Truly that Ed Tech1 course helps students to become a good teacher. It enables them to use hi-tech materials to make learnings more interesting and by using these to make electronic grading sheets and electronic class record in which it can help them to do the task easier. By adapting the technology with the help of Educational Technology 1, they can cope with the trends of today's innovation of education. But the fact, we should not rely all the job to these technology because it might cause the danger of dehumanization which brings the learner to pornography, financial fraud and other exploitive use of technology.

Thanks to Ed Tech 1 for orienting the learner to te pervasiveness of educational technology in society and uplifting them to human learning through learning technology.